Σταυροδρόμι, Δήμος Ερυμάνθου, τ.κ.: 25015, Ν. Αχαΐας (Δυτική Ελλάδα)
Staurodromi, Municipality of Erymanthos Post. Code: 25015, Achaia



Our Services

We are informed on a daily basis about all the practices related to the prevention and effective suppression of insects, pests, weeds, rodents in indoor and outdoor areas, always guided by love and respect for the natural environment and man.

Our staff, after inspecting the area of interest, will give instructions and propose any measures required to meet the needs of the client.

We use insecticides for residential premises. Spraying is carried out with special pre-pressure sprayers, electric foggers, through which we achieve uniform distribution of the “drug”, room foggers for atmospheric application, special dust sprays. In addition, we apply special traps in adhesive form containing pheromones in order to obtain a longer duration of activity, without unpleasant odors and the possibility to affect any foods or other products stored.

Whether the focused task is myocide or rodenticide, our objective would be the complete and total solve of the problem by using specific applications of baits and techniques.

Our company uses bait stations with attractive baits as well as specific mechanisms (HACCP, ISO, etc.) the use of which guarantees the safety of people and of the natural environment.

For the maintenance and non-reappearance, re-infestation of the area by rodents, the procedure includes periodic checks predetermined by our company as well as measures such as re-placing baits in the places where the bait stations are already located.